lördag 12 december 2009


Glee ended...or atleast until april and the only good thing with that is that True Blood will be back!
Til April I will be listnening to this and hopefully the rest of the songs that should come out soon =D

http://open.spotify.com/user/valeriacc/playlist/1LemB8soZEqryrDPfcZw26 Spotify playlist: glee

söndag 6 december 2009

Happy B-Day Soulmate!

My brother from another mother, or Sister from another Mister!
Happy 20th B-day... now you can go buy me some booooze =) hihi

onsdag 2 december 2009


...and all my hope in men has disintegrated... I mean TIGER WOODS cheats on ELIN... and she is beautiful... how could he?!?! and not only him... now rumors say Kün Cheated on Giovanna...
I feel sorry for their kids...and the wifes...

but in a mora interesting note: I Zlatans fotspår was a very cute show... and it showed the more softer side of him...he seems to be a honest and smart man... I like that...and I hope to god (allah, the ailien in the mountain or any of the other gods) that he doesn't cheat... cuz if he does than I really will consider swearing of men

(NOT =P)

tisdag 1 december 2009

En smått rolig SMS konversation

Först en liten tankeställare: är det okej att lägga upp folks sms på internet? Jag själv skulle bara ha ngt emot det om det var ngt som jag inte ville att vem som helst kunde veta...men men whatevs...

C: Hallå! hur mår min number one best friend? det var så länge sedan vi hördes!
V: Ja eller hur... saknat min syster från en annan mister...jag kämpar mig igenom Teorin =S hur ser din dag ut imorgon? Pusselipuss
C: Jag är i stan från 11 till typ 14. När slutar tentan? Eller är det tenta du har imorgon?
V:Jupp den slutar ett=) vad ska du göra i stan? tänkte att vu kunde shoppa julklapppar eller åtminstone kolla julklappar =P
C: Hahah ja det går bra! jag kan berätta om det imorgon när vi ses. Du höra av dug när du slutat

Efter detta sms blev jag smått nyfiken...vad är det hon ska göra i stan som tar 3 timmar... hum..men samtidigt så kanske det inte alls är ngt intressant utan att hon ska luncha med ngn eller ngt så jag typ lämnar det...

V:Okidoki =) då syns vi imorgon Yippie

Slut på den sms konversationen tänkte jag... men nej då droppar detta in:

C:Men alltså det jag kommer göra, jag kommer typ inte kunna svara i mobilen på kanske två/tre timmar, kanske kortare tid, beroende op när du ringer. Men jag ringer upp dig så fort jag kan, ingen panik. Haha

HAHA...vadå HAHA?!?! Nu vaknar Nicke Nyfiken I V... hum... vad är det hon ska göra i stan... och med vem... JAG VILL VETA NU! ajja whatevvs tänker jag... d e säkert för långt för att skriva på sms så jag droppar en:

V: Haha okej...nu blev jag nyfiken... Håller du på med ngt olagligt rånar en bank eller två?
C:Nä då hade jag ju kunnat svara op mobilen. tänkdet som att jag har tenta i två tre timmar och inte kan komma till mobilen. Men jag kan säga imorrn

hum... så vad är det min vän har för sig i stan... jag nästan spricker av nyfikenhet...även om det bara är så att hon har tenta... men d borde hon jue inte ha... ja ...jag måste erkänna jag är en väldigt nyfiken person... haha

onsdag 25 november 2009

just nu..

känner jag att jag vill lägga mig i min säng o kolla på fotbolls tills jag somnar...
plugget får komma imorgon istället... jag lovar ...imorgon

tisdag 24 november 2009

Svensk Konst...

Det kan visserligen...ibland...sällan...vara helt otroligt vackert men oftast och då menar jag verkligen OFTAST! är det så otroligt tråkigt och helt och hållet ONÖDIGT! jag menar om bilderna inte ens går att finna på google hur fasiken tror dem att man ska lära sig dem??!?!?!?!?!? (jag har inte köpt boken =P men d e inte mitt fel utan mer felet att jag är snusfattig! på rikigt)

BLIR SÅ SUR IBLAND...eller egentligen mer besviken, för man gör ju sitt bästa och så tror man att d går bra för man har verkligen skrivit ner allt man kunnat o så klarar man provet men inte alls med bra betyg...

NE usch nu går jag tillbaka till den svenska konsthistorien o begraver mig själv

Update: Okej...jag har ändrat mig lite efter lite funderande...Edvard Munch... han var jue egentligen svensk (typ...till 1905 iaf)...där har vi ngt att glädja oss för... =)

måndag 23 november 2009

Mitt liv enligt Lady Gaga

Tar o kopierar min vän... på http://iateadonut.blogspot.com/ för just nu vill jag göra allt annat än plugga så here it goes:

Använd enbart låttitlar av EN artist för att svara stiligt på dessa frågor. Upprepa inte en låttitel. Det är lurigare än du tror! Posta igen som "Mitt liv enligt (artistnamn)".
Är du man eller kvinna?: Paparazzi
Beskriv dig själv: Big girl now
Hur känner du dig?: Chillin
Beskriv stället där du bor: Paper gangsta
Platsen du skulle åka till om du kunde åka vart du ville: Disco Heaven
Hur skulle du helst transportera dig: Just Dance
Din bästa vän är: Telephone
Hur är vädret?: Starstruck
Favorittid på dagen: Summer Boy
Om ditt liv var en TV-serie, vad skulle den då heta?: Lovegame
Hur är livet enligt dig?: Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
Beskriv ditt nuvarande förhållande: Eh Eh (Nothing else I can say)
Din rädsla: Bad Romance
Ditt bästa råd: Shake that Kitty
Hur skulle du vilja dö?: Again Again
Din själs nuvarande tillstånd: Monster
Ditt motto: Boys Boys Boys (hihiihi)

måndag 19 oktober 2009

onsdag 14 oktober 2009

How do you peel your onions?

Right now... I do it while crying... No sweden in the World Cup...

Experiment: well day 2 consisted of a long walk in Uppsala... then I got sick so I haven't done much!

IM SAAAAD =( at least we won our last game beautifully <3

tack H.Larsson, M.Nillson o Larsa Lagerbäck! Hoppas att Henke blir ny landslag tränare...d hade vart lite kul...
This picture is great!

Sleep tight and for fuck sake take me to the World Cup 2014!!!!!

onsdag 7 oktober 2009

Experiment 002

im not known for being a sporty person, as a matter of fact I think im probably one of the lazyest people I know. Most of my days I spend sitting down or laying down... actually prefer the second... so for this experiment I've decided to open myself up to the possibility of doing something "sporty" for once...
This is my experiment:
  • Going for a walk twice a week (if I happen to go for more walks then yippie for me!)
  • Dance in my room (every once in awhile, this actually happens quiet often I must admitt)
  • Do 50 sitt-ups and 10 push-ups every other day...
Day1: I went for a long walk with my Chocolate donut, walks are good for us since we solve the world issues while walking... you might wonder what I mean with world issues and I can tell you this: our worlds are quite seculded and most of the time the world only involves us and are closest surroundings. I like our walks, even if they always seem to go through the same roads... there is comfort in knowing that those roads are us and they will always be there for us
I did not dance in my room but I have a good reason: ITS TOOO FUCKING COLD!
ans the sit-ups and push-ups well the day has not yet ended but I don't think I will anways...

Love V.

onsdag 23 september 2009

who knew...

Who knew that the end of the world could look so beautiful and that the commen sense is the least commen of all our senses...

måndag 21 september 2009

A week of pure and hectic studying

på lördag har jag första tentan någonsin! jag börjar bli lite smått nervös! men nu är det bara att satsa på plugget!!!
mer info kommer!

fredag 18 september 2009

I really...REALLY... have to study

but honestly... I don't feel like it...

I used to be someone else...

or am I still that person, did I change, did we change, did the world change... something is different and I cant tell if it is me or something else...
Do I want it to be like before?... honestly no idea...
All I know is that: this is who I am now...
and that is what I was before... (and maybe the person I still am...)

onsdag 16 september 2009

I fell into temptation, now nothing can stop me!

Experiment 001 var en dum idé! jag har aldrig gillat det där med att avhålla sig från vissa saker... man lever bara en gång och bör njuta av det så mycket som möjligt...och jag älskar chocklad! och choklad bönderna bör älska mig o det bör chocklad företagen oxå eftersom allt beror på supply and demand, grejjer som jag ändå typ inte förstår mig på.

jag är lycklig för jag inser att jag lämnat dig bakom mig... även om du inte verkar tro mig...lycklig!

tisdag 15 september 2009

Karma Bitch

...or at least I hope there is something called Karma...
Saturday I worked and got payed, and also lost a 100kr which completly sucks!!! what did I do to deserved that?!?! anyways I was bummed but thought: what the hell its saturday im gonna go out, dance and have fun with my BFF's that were visiting from their respective new towns... so I went out shaked my ass and never thought of it again...
then yesterday when I left pami at the busstation a boy (almost man) dropped 100kr right infront of me...and i was like
-do i keep the money or do I run and give it back... my head argued this for some milliseconds and i remembered my lost money and I knew what I was supposed to do... if it was me I would have loved someone to give my money back... so I ran and handed him the cash...

I felt good, I had done something good and hopefully this would mean some goodluck to me...karma...

Today I woke up with pain in my neck...and its killing me....


update on experiment 001: I really want chocolate at first everything went good now I want chocolate after every meal!

måndag 14 september 2009

Experiment nr 001

Im addicted to chocolate... I eat chocolate almost everyday, and the days I don't eat chocolate I crave it like a monkey craves bananas. So i've decided to go cold turkey... and see how long I can go without it...
there are some rules though, and a goal!
  • No pasteries including chocolate unless its somebodys b-day and they give you chocolate cake
  • No chocolate icecream, what so ever, even if the icecreme is mostly vanilla with chocolate cover or something...
  • max two coups of hot coco! (I cant go without my chocolate milk, i would die and my mom would think i'd gone insane)
My goal is going 2 weeks without chocolate...the worst part of this is that I have a chocolate bar laying infront of me on my desk were i study... and I got it for free... there is nothing better than free chocolate!

Day1. things went smoothly, no chocolate craving at all... didn't even think about it till now...

Day 2. Today I dreamt about chocolate...oh sweet chocolate... my friends think that im doing this because I want to loose weight or something, but that is not it! I want to do this to test myself, to see if I can really stop eating something that I do everyday...and if I do, then I must have the will power in me to stop biting my nails...

Day3. Im hiding the chocolate bar!!!!

love V

onsdag 26 augusti 2009

I feel like I have to get this of my chest...

Two of my fingers are partly dead...I serously feel like they weigh a thousand tons... they are fat and red and ichi and painful... but wait that is not all... they have two white dots... that look like warts! I know it sounds disgusting... and really it isn't nearly as bad as it sounds... sure my fingers are red and bigger than usuall, but anyhow... what I wanted to get off my chest.. which is also the reason for these terrible fingers... is ... wait for it....


i've got two mosquito bites inbetween my index finger and middle finger or actually one is on the index finger and the other one is on the middle finger but because of all the scratching they have melted in to one huge one over both fingers and under to the other side of the hand... and it HURTS!

so now you know!

good night// Val

Does this make sense?

Hathor - godedess with many functions and attributes; often depicted as a cow, or women with a cow's head or horned headdress; mother, wife and daugther of Ra; protector of the royal palace; domestiv fertility goddess; identified by the greeks with Aphrodite

how can you be someones mother, wife and daugther?

tisdag 25 augusti 2009

måndag 24 augusti 2009

I belong to Phidias

Today was my first day at uni...it was a one hour introduction to art history and the laws and rules of university law... at least it was supposed to be...I was only there for the last 15 min...

My friend in crime and confident said a couple of days ago that stockholmers would panic (seriously panic) if the metro/tube/train would stop, cease to exist...let me tell you she was right!

I took an earlier train to make sure I wouldn't be late (I hate being late) and arrived with plenty of time at 8 past 8 to slussen...went up to the red line, listening to awesome lady gaga, when I realized that the train thingy (the digital thing that shows how many minutes are left before the train comes) was not working, it was blank. I took of my head phones and right at that second a voice started talking and in the mist of my panic...and the panic of the rest of the travelers I got the importance of the message...no train...NO TRAIN... take the replacement busses...
My first thought was that, ok...I’ll be a little late...it will be ok... I'll call Lisa, she can probably find an alternative way, much faster than the replacement bus that will take all the other happy travelers to their work or wherever they where going... so I woke her up, but she couldn't find another bus either... so I walked up to the yellow suited man who pointed me in the right direction... but believe me... 1000's of Stockholmers use the subway every morning and especially at rush hour, and buses are much much smaller than trains...MUCH SMALLER!

After the third buss with people almost pouring out of the windows and doors... my friend (a women I met a couple of minutes ago who was going the same direction but not the same stop and was keeping me company) decided that she was walking to at least get somewhere, so I turned and right there were a couple of girls all talking about being late to school...so with them I jumped on a random bus and I was on my way...one of the girls went to another university while the second girl worked at my uni... the bus driver said that we could get off at a station called Valhallavägen and take the train from there... So we were on our way, and I looked at the watch 5 min left to 9...I started to panic...slowly I felt the panic come closer and closer... but at least I wasn't alone... hundreds of lucky students would be late for their first day in school...

Around T-centralen the bus radio said that the problem with the trains had been fixed and that trains would start rolling immediately...awww relief... you could feel the stockholmers breathe more calmly...
I arrived 9.45 to class...with ten others...late... I sat down and took no notes...I sat down and relaxed...finally... then the class ended... and I went to town and bought a filofax and some other necessary uni things...I feel older today...

ps. the train problems where because of a train battery that started boiling and the smoke caused the train to stop and the entire platform to be evacuated... life is funny sometimes...

tisdag 18 augusti 2009

En av de mest sorgliga noveller någonsin

Stig Dagerman - Att döda ett barn

Efteråt är allt försent...

Första gången jag såg den var i början av första året på gymnasiet... vi läste den först och sedan såg vi denna version, (med massa Skarskårdsar) och även om den skiljer sig lite från novellen tycker jag fortfarande att den lämnar ett starkt intryck...

fredag 14 augusti 2009

Aj lajk

Idag gillar jag:

Busschaffisen från Uppsala: fortfarande, igår var jag på en upptäcktsfärd i Uppsala och i denna planerade upptäcktsfärd ingick en bussfärd som jag bestämt skulle betala, när vi klev på bussen sa jag glad:
- Två ungdomar till Flogsta
och busschaffisen svarade med en nick
- Det är bara att gå på
jag måste säga att det var det varmaste mottagandet jag fått i en stad jag besökt... åtminstone vad jag minns iaf.
Jag gläds fortfarande åt detta en dag senare för att i sthlm skulle du aldrig få en gratis resa och det med tanke på att det är billigare att resa i sthlm... dock måste jag erkänna jag gillar sthlm mer!

Nya böcker: jag gillar lukten, kännslan, jaa allt som har med nya böcker att göra... förutom priset kanske...

Saker som gör mig allmänbildad: är det ngt jag kan skryta med är det att jag är relativt, eller bättre sagt jag är väldigt allmänbildad. Varför, jo, nyheter, tidningar, mina underbart allmänbildade föräldrar och mina väldigt allmänbildade kompisar!

Gratis svininfluensa vaccin: Ja tack! lilla jag är fattig och jag mitt immunförsvar är inte bra! därför är en avgiftsfri vaccination väldigt passande.

Att vara skuldfri: no explanation needed!

Love V.

torsdag 6 augusti 2009

the last meal...

I ate a lot today... I mean it isn't everyday you get to eat for the last time your 18, so I made mom some afternoon snacks that we choose to eat after baking a fab chocolate B-day cake. Im stuffed now... so if I die tonight I at least know I hade a great last meal and a funny one aswell...

me: So do you like the people you work with?
Mom: yes...Today I worked with a Boy named Gustav he is 19 years old...
a moment of silence
me: Is he cute?
mom: hahaha I'll take you to work someday So you'll see...

I love being a kid around my parents... being silly... like showing my dad what im eating by just opening my mouth while still chewing, or by watching cartoons when I wake up... and really, even if I turn 19 tomorrow... (make that 30mins...) I still will always be a kid... or at least act like one every once in a while... cuz that is me being me...

Goodnight and Love <3 style="font-style: italic;">

My last day as a 18year old...

Only a couple of hours left... ok... it is actually more than a couple of hours...but still...Im turning 19 tomorrow!
So what is this 18 year old doing? well... not much actually...
I made pancakes for breakfast and mashed potatoes for lunch after that i've just been sitting around watching "The secret life of the American teenager" the series isn't really good... its slow and at times painfully boring, but in a way it is still very intruing, I mean how often is the popular boy a member of the band and how often has he been sexually abused by his drug abusing father... and how often do 15 year olds decide to get married... see the whole show is quite weird...

in other less interesting news... Im sooo craving Chocolate... but there is no chocolate in this god forsaken household... damn

lördag 25 juli 2009

Im a hard searching wanting to be a hardworking girl

Since the 22nd of May 2009 I stopped being a Student and entered the world of Unemployment. Today I went to the library and the stupid people at the library told me I have to pay 340kr for not paying my 45kr bill at the exact time that I got it! (just FYI THEY NEVER TOLD ME THAT YOU HAD TO PAY AT ONCE!!!!!!) so since im unemployed and I don't recieve more money from the school I have to get a job.

The thing is, I have like zero experience and everybody wants people that have experience! And I really don't want to work as a nanny again. It really isn't my thing. gosh I have to stop being so prejudice and picky I mean I could work at McDonalds... I guess... I mean there is nothing wrong with working there, I just am afraid of starting there and then never moving on... being stuck at Mcdonalds forever isn't really my dream...

well I will continue looking for some jobs...

fredag 24 juli 2009

The Sims 3 is addictive

It really is...my thoughts are now in Sims (the language) and I know imagine someone controlling me from some distant place...

Time is going by fairly quick, and it is now only 14 days (2weeks) until I turn 19. 19 seems like such an unnecessary age. I mean you can’t really do anything new when you turn 19. In Sweden you are allowed to go out to nightclubs and drink legally there and when you turn 20 you are allowed to purchase alcohol (strong) for your own purposes. But nothing new happens when you turn 19. Nothing.

So until later, this 18 year old will continue with her daily routine of doing nothing. Because sometimes nothing is actually very pleasant.

torsdag 23 juli 2009


Harry potter was great! I want to see it again...
I haven't done much lately...Im home alone and I serously have to clean but as we know I love to procrastinate. I've been to a funeral aswell... it was so weird, because it made it so much more real, in a way I hadn't really understood it until the music started playing. It was beautiful and painful. At least now she will no longer suffer.

In first grade we got an assignment: Write about what or who you think a Hero is. If i would get the same assignment today. She would be my Hero.

fredag 17 juli 2009


Im going out to see Harry Potter with my chocolate donut and my other Friend who would be a kind of a lavender donut I guess...

Anyways I've been looking foward for this movie for like forever! I've been suffering from harry potter abstinence for like 2 years and now finally I will walk into the world I like so much.
This entire day I've been walking around calling everyone, mr or mrs Potter or Voldemort. I just hope I don't get dissapointed...

Love V.

onsdag 15 juli 2009

those goddamn grades

they keep popping every where I go... How did you do? What Grade did you get? I knew it would come I just never thought it would bring me down this much... I guess the reason for it being so bad is that I thought I was better than the grades I got...
I understand that people want to talk about it, I guess I have to find a way to block the bad thoughts away...To deal with it...
The thing is, I said it even before we did the exam... I would not tell people what I got... and im sticking to it... so plz just don't ask...

For a bit of better news... The Holy trinity is reunited, at least for 3 (2) days depending on how you count, and that makes me happy

Love. V

ps. Harry Potter premieres today!!! and that also makes me happy

fredag 10 juli 2009

No more feeling sorry

Yesterday and the day before were tuff, results are in and now the future (or at least the 6 coming months) are decided. Im staying in Stockhom, and studying Art History. So to start of this new life, this new beginning, this new chapter in my life Im going to introduce you to one of my favorite photografers his name is:
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Born in Paris, France the 22nd of August 1908, one of the founders of Magnum Photos and according to sources "He helped develop the "street photography" or "real life reportage" style that has influenced generations of photographers that followed."...
I always look for my favorite Picture from him that I saw in 9th grade in the Museum of Modern Arts in Stockholm, it is a picture of an old man that touches me so deeply... but I can never find it, and that is really frustrating.

I hope you like them...

ps. For the first time i ages im eating a midnight snack... it actually feels good