onsdag 26 augusti 2009

I feel like I have to get this of my chest...

Two of my fingers are partly dead...I serously feel like they weigh a thousand tons... they are fat and red and ichi and painful... but wait that is not all... they have two white dots... that look like warts! I know it sounds disgusting... and really it isn't nearly as bad as it sounds... sure my fingers are red and bigger than usuall, but anyhow... what I wanted to get off my chest.. which is also the reason for these terrible fingers... is ... wait for it....


i've got two mosquito bites inbetween my index finger and middle finger or actually one is on the index finger and the other one is on the middle finger but because of all the scratching they have melted in to one huge one over both fingers and under to the other side of the hand... and it HURTS!

so now you know!

good night// Val

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